*Pharmacists,Nurses,Faculty&Students*HUCOP Office of Continuing Professional Education Inaugural Healthcare Professionals February Forum

Pharmacists can earn up to 5.75 hours of ACPE approved CE credit

 Additional discounts for HUPAA Alumni and WDCPhA Members until February 22nd with use of appropriate coupon code during registration

 Senior Citizen Discount available for Pharmacists using SCDiscount as coupon code-Proof of eligibility verified onsite. 


MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center Howard University Local Performance Site, Washington D.C. is providing the Certificate of Attendance for NURSES.

 Approved by the DC Board of Nursing for­­­­­­­­­__5.5___contact hours.

**NURSES, to obtain CE, YOU MUST ALSO register using the URL and Access Code found under Course Materials**


 Breakfast and Lunch included in Event fee for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians

 Breakfast and Lunch meals are an option for nurses and students. If desired, nurses and students should indicate and pay for during registration....see Program Fees.




Date: Sep 1, 2019 06:00 AM - Sep 30, 2019 10:30 PM

Location: Howard University College of Pharmacy, 2300 4th Street, NW, Bldg CCH, Room 207, Washington, DC, 20059



CE Hours


CE Units


Registration closes on Sep 30, 2019 10:30 PM

Activity Type

Knowledge & Application

Target Audience(s)



Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
Accreditation Statement: Howard University College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
DC Board of Nursing

MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center Howard University Local Performance Site, Washington D.C. is providing the Certificate of Attendance.  Approved by the DC Board of Nursing for­­­­­­­­­__5.5___contact hours. 




This Event was planned and is supported in conjunction with the following entities:
Aids Education and Treatment Center (AETC)
Howard University College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Gina Brown, Ph.D. - Dean
Howard Univerity Pharmacy Alumni Association
Washington DC Pharmacy Association (WDCPhA)

Please choose a Fee Type from the Drop Down Menu Below:
I am a


Registration Closed  


Meedie Bardonille, RN

Activity Number

Nursing CE Only
Date: 02/24/19
Time: 12:45 PM - 01:15 PM

CE Hours

Registration Closed  

Registration closes on Sep 30, 2019 at 10:30 PM

Registration Closed  


  • Examine the history of professional code of ethics as germane to healthcare
  • Compare and contrast ethics versus law and their respective roles in clinical practice
  • Using case law, interpret current legal standards of medication errors
  • Examine the law concerning the duties and liability of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nursing and other healthcare professionals in response to a medication error occurrence
  • Examine case law (current legal standards) in addressing the practitioner's rights in cases of personal ethical conflicts with a prescription and/or other medication-related issues
  • Employ strategies for medication error prevention


Dr. Earl Ettienne

Keli R. Edwards, JD, PharmD. RPh.

Activity Number

Date: 09/01/19 06:00 AM - 09/30/19 10:30 PM

CE Hours

Registration Closed  

Registration Closed  


  • Recall recent regulatory updates regarding immunizations in the District of Columbia
  • List the responsibilities of pharmacists and nurses regarding immunizations
  • Describe vaccine immunology and its correlation to vaccine indication and immunization therapy
  • Identify patient vaccine records to determine gaps in immunizations


Activity Number

Date: 09/01/19 06:00 AM - 09/30/19 10:30 PM

CE Hours

Registration Closed  

Registration Closed  


  • Describe what influences legislative changes in the practice of pharmacy
  • Recognize the requirements to prescribe Naloxone in the District of Columbia
  • State the LGBTQ cultural competency requirement for healthcare professionals licensed in the District of Columbia
  • Identify the components of prescribing birth control
  • Explain the duties and responsibilities of the pharmacist in charge


Dr. Tamara McCants

Activity Number

Date: 09/01/19 06:00 AM - 09/30/19 10:30 PM

CE Hours

Registration Closed  

Registration Closed  


  • Explain Transgender/LGBTQ/Non-binary Identities such as definition, terms and proper etiquette
  • Describe how healthcare disparities such as HIV impact the LGBTQ community
  • Recognize how healthcare institutions can be affirming to LGBTQ patients
  • Identify barriers that impact LGBTQ patients
  • Outline Transgender/non-binary -medical transition in the child and adult


Deborah Dunn, MBA, PA-C

Activity Number

Date: 09/01/19 06:00 AM - 09/30/19 10:30 PM

CE Hours

Registration Closed